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Funeral Packages

Ang Chin Moh Group is a one-stop funeral package provider in Singapore.

Ang Chin Moh Group has been serving both local and international clients for over 110 years. We deliver fitting memorial services across different religious affiliations, and economic standing through an affordable funeral cost in Singapore. We believe that everyone must have decent and honourable funeral rites, and share every bereaved family’s wish to send off their departed loved ones with a proper funeral service. Religious (Taoist, Buddhist, Christian, etc) funeral services, customised funeral service, and flexible funeral services cost can be provided to cater to each family needs.

Religious Funeral

Singapore’s diverse racial background has resulted in a multitude of religious beliefs. Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors provides services for every family with different religious beliefs. With our offered packages, we aim to be a one-stop funeral home for both religious and non-religious families in Singapore.

Personalized Funeral

Everyone is a unique individual who deserve a well-thought-out funeral that is able to show ones’ individuality and also satisfy their wants.

We have a professional team whom will do their best to cater to your requirement and needs for a customized funeral. We would need to have a session with you to have a better understanding of your beloved before we can proceed to customise the funeral.

Green Funeral

Our Green Funeral Package provides eco-friendly alternative to other funeral packages. Green, or natural burial is a way of caring for the dead with minimal environmental impact that aids in the conservation of natural resouces, reduction of carbon emissions, protection of worker health, and the restoration and /or preservation of habitat. Green burial necessitates the use of non-toxic and biogradable materials, such as caskets, shrouds, and urns.

International Repatriation

Going home for the last time can be a final wish of someone who spent his days in another country. Who are we to deprive the deceased of such an honourable wish? We at Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors are offering international repatriation that can be included in the funeral services cost. This way, a bereaved loved one can finally rest on the ground of his homeland.

Children Funeral

Little Angel

Losing our little ones is a very disheartening experience for parents. Our only consolation is that they are finally able to rest peacefully in places where there will be no sickness, grief, and problems. We understand every bereaved family’s grief when a little angel passed away. To offer a sense of comfort, we provide a fitting funeral service for departed little ones.

Why Choose Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors?

Looking for an affordable and reasonable funeral services cost that will not compromise the memorial package? Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors does just that. We offer flexible funeral packages that cater to various religious beliefs, economic status, and individual preferences to meet the demand of every client for their departed loved ones. We want to make every funeral rites as solemn and heartfelt as possible. With a team of dedicated and experienced funeral service providers, rest assured that your loved one’s send-off is as best as it can be.

We are always here for you.

Our Affiliated Funeral Service Companies

Buddhist, Taoist

Catholic, Christian,
non-religious funerals

Funeral parlour services

International repatriation

Memorial diamonds

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