Ash Collection

Generally, at the crematoriums, if cremation happens before 12pm, the collection of cremated remains will be on the same day, in the afternoon.
If cremation is after 12pm, the collection of cremated remains will be on the next day morning.
Before cremation, your family will have to decide what you want to do with the cremated remains.
Typically, families will choose from these options:

Inland Ash Scattering
A new final resting place option by The National Environment Agency (NEA), where the cremated remains are scattered in-land and returned back to nature as soil.
You can choose to keep your loved one’s cremated remains in an urn and have it placed in a niche located at a private or public columbarium as its final resting place.
Note: Booking must be made prior to the collection day.

Sea Burial
Sea burial is also an option for cremated remains. Family will scatter their loved one’s cremated remains into the sea, to be returned back to nature. This option has been increasingly popular in Singapore due to the popularity of eco / green burials, and also the long-term fuss-free benefit from it.
Algordanza - Memorial Diamond
With technology, it is possible to turn one’s cremated ashes into a memorial diamond, keeping your loved one close to you, forever.
Our subsidiary company, Algordanza Singapore, help families to make this possible.

Keepsake Jewellery
An alternative to a memorial diamond, we have specially designed keepsake jewelleries that allow you to place a little of your loved one’s cremated remains into the pendant.
Keeping your loved ones close to you…
Creating a meaningful funeral for a well-lived life.
Plan a funeral that honours your loved one with care and compassion. We’re here to assist with any questions or guidance you need.
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